June 2023 Journal Articles

  1. Gambela Malande Kahigi Noun Structure and Classification in Chagga-Mochi
  2. Kelly Opiyo The Path to Peace - Building Resilience for Human Security and Regional Peace in Africa
  3. Luigina et al Parental Contribution to Students’ Academic Performance in Schools at Uyui District Tabora- Tanzania
  4. Milinge Muhindi Effects of Social Structure on Youth Criminal behaviour in Nairobi City County Kenya
  5. Muhwezi et al Examination of The Impact of Vocational Education and Training on Women’s Career Development in Uganda
  6. Mulei Barasa Implication of South Sudan Conflict on Development in Turkana County Kenya 1983-2022
  7. Mulinge Muhindi Effects of Social Structure on Youth Criminal behaviour in Nairobi City County Kenya
  8. Ngonela Mafumbo Katono Negotiating Identity Differences
  9. Nsotaka et al Legacies of Slavery and Chieftaincy Succession Disputes among the Bakossi Community of Cameroon 1960-2020
  10. Ntongai Strategic Management Model with Special Reference to Strategy Operationalization
  11. Ogwora Reengineering the Prevention and Management of conflict through Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanism
  12. Olomy et al Need and Access to Genetically Modified Food Crops’ Information among Maize Farmers in Western Kenya
  13. Olony et al Need and Access to Genetically Modified Food Crops’ Information among Maize Farmers in Western Kenya
  14. Osinde Mulu Hamasi Ethnicity and Resource Based Conflicts in Turkana and West Pokot Counties Kenya
  15. Otieno A systematic Review on Party Culture and Students Campus life
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